
Elden Ring: Patch 1.12.3 mit diesen Änderungen veröffentlicht

FromSoftware arbeitet weiter daran, um die bereits sehr positiv bewertete Erweiterung zu Elden Ring noch ein wenig runder zu gestalten. Denn auch in Shadows of the Erdtree gibt es einige kleinere wie größere Stolpersteine, die einer Anpassung bedürfen.

Nun hat der japanische Entwickler Patch 1.12.3 veröffentlicht, der vor allem aus kleineren Balance-Änderungen und Fehlerbehebungen besteht.

Welche Änderungen bringt Patch 1.12.3?

Neben dem Beheben von Performance-Problemen dürften für viele Spieler vor allem die Änderungen an zwei Bossen interessant sein. So wurden nämlich die Positionen der beiden Bossgegner Kommandant Gaius und Goldenes Nilpferd zu Beginn des jeweiligen Kampfes angepasst. Dadurch starten nun beide Kontrahenten an derselben Stelle, wie beim ersten Versuch.

Außerdem stürmen die beiden Bosse nicht mehr direkt auf den Spieler zu, wodurch ein kleines Zeitfenster entsteht, um zum Beispiel Geisterasche einzusetzen. Gleichzeitig hat FromSoftware bei dem Goldenen Nilpferd einen Fehler behoben, der die nicht blockierbaren Beißangriffe deutlich zielgenauer machte. Hinzu kommen zahlreiche weitere Änderungen an Waffen, NPCs und mehr.

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Die wichtigsten Änderungen des Patches haben wir euch im Folgenden zusammengefasst:

PvP-exclusive balance adjustments

  • Decreased the damage and damage animation of the shearing vacuum effect of the “Swift Slash” Skill.

General balance adjustments

  • Increased the Intelligence scaling of the Carian Sorcery Sword and slightly decreased the base damage.
  • Extended the throwing attacks range for the following weapons:
  • Smithscript Dagger / Smithscript Cirque
  • Changed the placement of the bosses in the re-fight against the Golden Hippopotamus and Commander Gaius bosses to be in the same position as in the first fight.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that caused the Rolling Sparks Skill to deal more damage than expected.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Rolling Sparks and Wall of Sparks Skills to deal no damage while some special effects were applied to the player.
  • Fixed a bug where some special effects of a right-handed weapon would also be applied to the following Weapon Skills when cast with the left hand:
    • Feeble Lord’s Frenzied Flame
    • Discus Hurl
  • Fixed a bug where successfully guarding while attacking using the Thrusting Shield weapon type would consume less stamina than intended.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from cancelling the attack recovery of two-handed strong attacks by rolling for certain weapons of the Backhand Blades weapon type.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Lightning Perfume Bottle and Frenzyflame Perfume Bottle weapons to deal double damage under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed a bug where the Arcane scaling of the Bloodfiend’s Arm weapon was higher than intended when setting an affinity. The status buildup of the heavy attack was also reduced.
  • Fixed a bug where the Faith scaling of the Gazing Finger weapon was not being applied correctly.
  • Fixed a bug where the damage animation of some attacks of the Fire Knight’s Greatsword against players was different than expected.
  • Fixed a bug where the attack affinity of some attacks of the Fire Knight’s Greatsword were different than expected.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some affinities for the following weapons to be higher than intended:
    • Smithscript Dagger
    • Smithscript Cirque
    • Smithscript Axe
    • Smithscript Greathammer
    • Smithscript Spear
    • Golem Fist
    • Smithscript Shield
  • Fixed a bug that caused enemies to heal when the Maximum HP reduction gradual HP reduction effect  applied by Black Knife Tiche wore off.
  • Fixed a bug that caused summoned NPCs to behave differently than expected under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed a bug that where the unblockable bite attack of the Golden Hippopotamus boss would connect with players more easily than intended.
  • Fixed a bug that caused text to display differently than expected.
  • Several other performance improvements and bug fixes.

Possible unstable performance fixes

  • For the PS5 version of the game, unstable framerate may be improved by using the „Rebuild Database“ option from the device’s safe mode.
  • In some PC versions, Ray Tracing may be unintentionally enabled and cause unstable performance. Please check the Ray Tracing setting in the „System“ > „Graphics Settings“ > „Raytracing Quality“ from the title screen or in-game menu.
  • In the PC Version, the message „Inappropriate activity detected“ may appear without cheating.

To fix this issue, please verify the integrity of the game’s files before restarting the game.

  • In the PC version, unstable framerate may be caused by third party applications that control mouse behavior. Deactivating these third party applications may improve performance.

Patrik Hasberg

Schreiberling, Spieleentdecker, praktizierender Perfektionist und Mann fürs Grobe. Außerdem laufender Freizeit-Hobbit, der Katzen liebt. – Hunde gehen auch. „Auch sonst eigentlich ganz ok“.

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