Der ehemalige PlayStation-Chef und aktuelle Geschäftsführer Kaz Hirai tritt als Geschäftsführer von Sony zurück. Seine Nachfolge wird der bisherige Finanzchef antreten. Hirai gilt als einer der Väter der PlayStation.
Er brachte Sony zurück in die Gewinnzone, nun tritt er als Geschäftsführer zurück: Kaz Hirai wird sein Amt zum ersten April 2018 niederlegen. Damit wird er nach sechs Dienstjahren seine Rolle im Unternehmen aufgeben.
Der bisherige Finanzchef Kenichiro Yoshida wird seine Nachfolge antreten, erklärte das Unternehmen. Hirai war bislang als Director, Representative Corporate Executive Officer, President und Chief Executive Officer tätig. Ab April werde er lediglich als Director und Chairman aktiv sein.
Der Vater der PlayStation
Hirai gilt als einer der Väter der PlayStation und war maßgeblich für deren Erfolg verantwortlich. Ein ganzes Jahrzehnt lang leitete er die Spieleabteilung Sonys und formte die PlayStation zur erfolgreichsten Konsole der Welt um.
Hier das vollständige Statement Hirais:
“Ever since my appointment as President and CEO in April 2012, I have stated that my mission is to ensure Sony continues to be a company that provides customers with kando – to move them emotionally – and inspires and fulfills their curiosity. To this end, I have dedicated myself to transforming the company and enhancing its profitability, and am very proud that now, in the third and final year of our current mid-range corporate plan, we are expecting to exceed our financial targets. And it excites me to hear more and more people enthuse that Sony is back again.
As the company approaches a crucial juncture, when we will embark on a new mid-range plan, I consider this to be the ideal time to pass the baton of leadership to new management, for the future of Sony and also for myself to embark on a new chapter in my life. My successor, Kenichiro Yoshida, has supported me closely since returning to Sony in December 2013 , contributing extensively beyond his remit as CFO and acting as valuable confidant and business partner, as we took on the challenge of transforming Sony together. Mr. Yoshida combines a deeply strategic mindset with a relentless determination to achieve defined targets, and the ability to take a global viewpoint.
I believe he possesses the breadth of experience and perspective, as well as the unwavering leadership qualities required to manage Sony’s diverse array of businesses, and as such is the ideal person to drive the company forward into the future. As Chairman, I will of course offer my full support to Mr. Yoshida and the new management team, and do all I can to facilitate a smooth transition and ensure their future success.”